Spray Fan Systems

Improve your dust management and control at the source.

Manage dust and lubricate tools

Consisting of directional spray blocks backed by a high pressure water system, CDC spray fan systems attack dust at the source. The system dampens application-generated dust and simultaneously lubricates and cools application equipment.
  • Directional spray blocks with specialised water nozzles
  • 12 or 6 spray system
  • Constructed in 300 mm lengths

Our spray fans incorporate a reverse flow back-flush cleaning system, which enhances spray fan system performance, increases efficiency and reduces maintenance requirements. This feature is activated by turning the nozzles 180°, which then removes built-up particulate.

Ensuring good dust suppression and assisting with air movement across the rock face, CDC spray fan systems have been installed on most continuous miners in South Africa. Its system design remains an industry mainstay.

  • Constructed of mild steel, stainless steel
  • Designed to customer requirements
  • Manufactured according to ISO 9001 standards
  • Held ex-stock for immediate delivery

CDC – setting the standard for dust suppression technologies in open cast and underground mining.

Product evolution

CDC developed and designed this spray fan system in the 1990s in response to increasing industry concerns surrounding dust. Testing of the original unit, conducted at the CSIR, was witnessed by industry experts. The reverse flow back flush cleaning system was developed and incorporated after additional development by CDC.

We tailor all our equipment to suit clients’ exact specifications.

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